The Power of Blessing



We are Souls journeying this Earthy World in a body, which is our vessel during this unique Human experience. And this body of ours has needs. On one hand we are infinite energy on our Journey through time, space and dimensions. On the other we're a body bound to this earthy experiencing with very real needs. And THAT is quite the challenge. So, who the heck invented this idea? To put an infinite non-physical soul into a finite physical body?


So we definitely not only need food and shelter and clothes. We also need to take care of how to keep our energies balanced. How to keep our entire system balanced. Soul AND body AND mind. We need to learn to stand firmly on our two feet and live a sane, stable and nourishing Earthly Life - eventhough nobody in the society structures is teaching it. Instead what societies are giving us is an everyday hustle with Instability, chaos, disorientation, an urge to perform instead of living. So we want to do whatever is possible to stand firmly on our two feet and live a sane, stable and nourishing Earthly Life.


One way is for example implementing blessing into our everyday life. The mere act of blessing is a powerful tool, that has a tremendous impact on our energies, on our emotional and mental status and which helps us shift your energies immediately to a place of serenity and joyfulness. By implementing blessing into our everyday life, we'll be able to fundamentally change the way our life unfolds.





Similar to the energy of gratitude, the mere act of blessing is also a powerful tool, that has a tremendous impact on your energies, on your emotional AND mental status and which helps you shift your energies immediately to a place of serenity and joyfulness. Blessing opens you up to the plains of Heaven. Blessing opens you up to miracles. Blessing opens you up to who you truly are. A Soul on her journey of learning and expanding. A Spark of Life experiencing itself through this human experience. Source Energy on its Journey back home.


If you have access to blessing, then you have access to the ability of putting your ego, your human personal structures and mechanisms, your personal drama aside and to enter a sacred space - and to focus on something that is bigger than you. You can't bless (and I mean, truly bless, not shallow words that try to imitate a blessing) while you're in depressive mode. You can't bless while you're in asshole mode. You can't bless while you're contemplating all the darkness of this world.


So blessing is a great tool - not only for the morning, but also for the entire day (and night! When I have trouble with going into the night, I am lying in my bed and I just bless. Everything falls immediately into place and I have a calm, tranquil sleep) - to have at hand. I would use it on a daily base so that it becomes an automatic habit. With a little discipline you soon will observe yourself that you'll use the tool blessing right away as soon as some imbalances are only just a dust on the far far sky.


Below are two examples of blessing meditations that you can implement into your morning routine. You can easily adjust the texts according to your current life situation.







This Blog Post was last updated on Monday, 22.01.2024.




«Thank you for blessing me.

Thank you for blessing my bed.

Thank you for blessing my room.

Thank you for blessing my mate.

Thank you for blessing our home.

Thank you for blessing our dog.

Thank you for blessing every single plant in our home.

Thank you for blessing every single thing in our home.

Thank you for blessing our building.

Thank you for blessing every single person and animal living in our building.

Thank you for blessing our residential area.

Thank you for blessing our town.

Thank you for blessing our canton.

Thank you for blessing Switzerland.

Thank you for blessing Europe.

Thank you for blessing this world.»







«Thank you for blessing me.

Thank you for blessing my heart.

Thank you for blessing my soul.

Thank you for blessing my mind.

Thank you for blessing my body.

Thank you for blessing my energies.

Thank you for blessing my thoughts.

Thank you for blessing my actions.

Thank you for blessing my past, present and future.

Thank you for blessing my day.»






When to apply:

- Right after waking up

- Before going to sleep (just adjust the sentences)

- Can also be applied as many times as you want through the day (just adjust the sentences)


How much time is needed:

ca. 5 - 15 min. per exercise



An joyful, serene, centered, trustful

emotional and mental state.



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