Having a calling is a blessing. Following the calling is a challenge.

I find the calling to be an entrepreneurial creative, a spouse and a parent a challenging calling.

Why? Being an entrepreneur means we dare to do things our own way. Something that this world hates. But, if we truly want being an entrepreneur, it actually has become easier with today's technology (Internet, Social Media, etc.). Especially for us women today's technology has for the first time in existence put us in a position of truly being able to change our earthly existence for the better.


Being creative means going within, becoming still, listening and bringing forth whatever wants to be brought forth - something that is highly challenging in this loud, rational, cold world.Being a mom means the feminine energies take over and bring forth new life, both are feared and hated in this world. It's shocking that eventhough we have become highly "civilized", women & children - the foundation of every society - are (still) not welcome in this hostile, cold, harsh world. Being truly in a relationship means we choose commitment, courage and dare to go beyond our egoistic structures. Something that this world longs for but is in reality unwilling to truly do.


And so, wanting to combine all those areas - being creative, an entrepreneurial creative and a spouse and mom - I found to be no bed of roses. It's like doing everything what this world fears, hates and therefore fights. But it's our calling, isn't it? So if we truly want to live a truthful human life experience we have no choice than to follow our calling and being a strange, rare, enlivening phenomena in this lifeless, fear-oriented world.


And so the question remains: How to handle all these callings? How to be creative, work as an entrepreneurial creative and also, be a spouse and a mom? I don't know. And that's why I do research exactly that question: What does the Inner World has to say to an entrepreneurial creative who is married and a parent? That's the focus of my Inner World Research and that's the focus of my Explorer Letter. There are so many challenges if we want to be true to ourselves and follow our calling. In this world having a calling is already a challenge - this world is afraid of having a calling! And I have come to understand that the only thing that will help me in a sustainable way in this disconnected world is to explore my Inner Landscapes, open up to the entirety of my Inner World and look at all my Inner Landscapes, including those ugly, dark, unwanted, denied Inner Landscapes.


I truly believe that the solution to actually all problems as a Human Being is to know ourselves. And for me knowing myself equals exploring and researching the Inner World. If I know myself I am able to navigate better the Inner as well the Outer Landscapes. If I know myself I am able to actually create a better Human Life Experience for me (and the ones around me). If I know myself I can face a situation easier and therefore a situation doesn't have to become a problem nor an escalation. Knowing myself has also the beautiful side effect that I be(come) free. And if I be(come) free the ones I have been entrusted with, can also also be free and live their lives truthfully.


And so I do the work. Over and over and over. And that's why I do what I do. Exploring and researching the Inner World and bringing forth its content in a tangible way and make that information accessible to those who are looking for answers only the Inner World can answer. And that tangible way happens to be painting layers of colors (becoming Inner World Artwork) and transcribing those layers of colors by writing poems (becoming Inner World Transcriptions). 


And so, in today's insight from my Inner World Research I'm sharing another painting from the Inner World Artwork Edition called «Passion and Destruction - The Birth of a Couple». This colorful unique and powerful Inner World Artwork Edition speaks of passion and destruction, representing the birth of a couple, that was born during the first horrible postpartum weeks after the short but intense birth of their son - containing eleven paintings that were born November 21, 2024 with their belonging transcriptions born November 23 - 24, 2024.


In today's Blog Post I'm sharing Nr. 11/11. If this painting is intriguing you, I invite you to also check my previous Blog Post where I'm sharing Nr. 1/11 of this unique Inner World Artwork Edition. But for now you'll find below a section of one its paintings plus an extract of the written transcription of one of the colors. As always: The written transcription of the entire painting as well as all the rest of the «Passion and Destruction - The Birth of a Couple» edition are part of my Inner Exploration Online Program.


Enjoy and learn!





«passion and destruction -
the birth of a couple»

written translation


Painting & transcription BORN

November 2024



This Inner World Artwork Edition 

speaks of Passion and Destruction,


the Intensity of a Couple and its Birth


their deep Passion that is unmanaged


their boiling Passion that are unlived Life Energies.



This Inner World Artwork Edition


represents the Birth of a Couple


being born with the Birth of their Son.








Carmine Red @ Painting




the Power Within you.



the Power of the Feminine.



the Elemental Force of the Universes.




from Shakti arises.



from Shakti arises.


Life Energies

from Shakti arise.




the Power Within you,

from where your Creativity arises.



the Power of the Feminine,

from where your Love arises.



the Elemental Force of the Universes,

from where your Life Energies arise.





your Life Energies are.



your Life is.



your Path is.







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 All content created with  by Veronica Trombini |  ©  2015 - 2025 veronicatrombini.com