e-school -





Not being able to live our Truth, is a disgrace. Not being able to shine our Core and fully express our Essence, is a disgrace. Not being able to grow and expand beyond the Known, is a disgrace. Not being able to fully use our Life Energies, is a disgrace. And, a crime against humanity. We're already on Earth for only a short period of time, so every single moment here should be even more of outmost presence, expression and quality. 


This world has become almost without any exceptions a meager ego-fear based existence with institutionalized dullness, vanity, arrogance, envy & greed - avoiding, neglecting and therefore undermining the fundamental right of living our Inner Self. Instead of being a nourishing, courageous world that offers support, curiosity and over and over realignment with our Inner Truth. Yet, there is no escape from the Fundamental Truth that we all have an Inner Self, that Spark of Life that has breathed Life into our bodies and given us this actual Human Life Experience. What WE do with that fact though, is what shapes this world. And looking at the state of this world, we all can do better.


And so, those who actually dare to embark despite this rather hostile earthy environment on their Inner Journey in the pursuit of their Inner Self, to truly FEEL and be TRUE to themselves, to LIVE a truthful Human Life Experience are the ones who'll elevate this world and bring Heaven back to Earth. And so, those who defy the overall meager ego-fear based existence that societies sale us as the "real" reality to keep us small, ignorant, exhausted, just existing, barely alive and dare to create their own reality are the ones who'll elevate this world and bring Heaven back to Earth. And so, those who dare to go beyond just existing, who want to expand and truly LIVE and establish a nourishing, resilient, truthful Human Life Experience, are the ones who'll elevate this world and bring Heaven back to Earth. And so, it's those who reconnect with their Inner Self, dare to live accordingly to their Inner Truth and become by that the blessing they were created to be, are the ones who'll elevate this world and bring Heaven back to Earth.


And so, those wonderful, unique and courageous souls, those precious gems, those one of a kind, so rare to find beings and their unique Journey to their Inner Self need to be protected, supported and loved. The pursuit of Inner Truth and realignment with it, needs a safe, nourishing, loving and supportive environment. That's why E-School - The Journey to Your Inner Self was created. And that's what E-School offers. That's what E-School is.






E-SCHOOL is an ongoing and continuously growing online school that offers you three study programs to support you on your unique Journey to your Inner Self by helping you explore and travel the Inner World with its unique Inner Landscapes and its Inner Structures and Mechanisms so that you can reconnect with your Inner Self and establish a stable, sane, nourishing everyday life so that your Human Life Experience becomes the blessing it was meant to be.



E-SCHOOL's study programs are: #1 E-School Basic / Creating a Nourishing Life, The Fundamentals of Human Beingness & Learning Inner Exploration,  #2 E-School Advanced /  Navigating the Inner World, #3 E-School Intensive / Journeying & Submerging into specific Inner Landscapes.



E-SCHOOL's approach is worldwide unique as it uses art to make the Inner World with its Inner Landscapes visible which are then transcribed into written poems. With its colors, paintings, poems is E-School an artful place full of beauty, wisdom and colors fully dedicated to help you recover your Inner Self, establish a stable relationship with it and create a stable, sane and nourishing Human Life Experience.



E-SCHOOL is beautifully designed, has an easy to follow set up and within the vast abundance of Inner World Original Artwork you'll be able to look at the beauty within you. E-School's one of a kind self-selective and non-intrusive approach to explore, research and travel the Inner World is furthermore cutting edge and an absolute joy to learn and work with.









E-SCHOOL is for the courageous, unique, intuitive woman who has dared to choose her Inner Truth over the Existential Ego Reality and embarked therefore on her unique Inner Journey to explore and rediscover who she really is in order to live her Human Life in alignment with her Inner Self. She longs to see her Inner Landscapes, longs to explore her Unknown Inner Areas, longs to free those Inner Tabu Topics, longs to blossom into who she really is and radiate her Essence freely. As a bonkers hungry student and explorative and sometimes maverick adventurer she longs for MORE - more information, more material, more knowledge, more clarity regarding the Mysteries of the Universe, the Inner World. As the practical being she is, she also longs for down to Earth practial advice regarding the Outer World. She knows it, there is MORE to all this thing called "physical human life" and she wants it all.



E-SCHOOL is for the courageous, unique, intuitive man who has decided to break free from the dull Existential Ego Reality and embarked therefore on his unique Inner Journey to explore and live his feelings and emotions. He longs for his Inner Self, to live his Human Life in alignment with his Inner Truth and to express his Essence freely.  He longs to create a firm relationship with his Inner Guiding System and to feel finally safe and cared for. He is unique - he knows it - yet a dull, mass-oriented, lifeless human existence is were he is coming from. As a neglected emotional being, he longs for a nurturing and supportive environment so that he feels safe while he is on his adventurous exploration of his Inner World.



E-SCHOOL is for the courageous, unique, intuitive women and men who want to do the Inner Work from the comfort of their own home, being able to look into the material 24/7 whenever, wherever they want. They are eager students and heaven help, if they are denied the access to knowledge, clarity and wisdom. Sometimes they want to work on a topic for hours and hours and hours. And sometimes they prefer to ponder about what they have learnt, heard, studied, explored - or just do nothing. A rigid model where they need someone else for their Inner Work, where they have to decide in advance when and where the Inner Work moment should happen, that isn't working for them anymore.



E-SCHOOL is for the courageous, unique, intuitive women and men who love colors & art and, who have a natural approach to creative self-expression & beauty. They are aesthetes and they have a natural longing for self-care. They are intelligent, independent and hungry to learn and explore. They are warm, gentle souls who seek and long for their Inner Self, to dive deeper into Life and its Mysteries, who desire to live a full, adventurous, unique Human Life Experience and, who are now ready to no longer be alone on their unique Inner Journey.



In short:

If you've embarked on your Journey to the Silence within in order to not only explore but also find and express your Inner Self with the goal of creating a truthful, nourishing, one of a kind Human Life Experience as a unique expression of your Essence, E-School - The Journey to your Inner Self is for you.






E-SCHOOL consists of three study programs with different areas of focus: 



Study Program #1

E-School Basic = Your BOOTCAMP for the Inner World

Areas of Focus: 1. The Fundamentals of Human Beingness, 2. Creating a Nourishing Life & 3. Learning to Explore the Inner World


E-School Basic is the starting point for every student at E-School and Your BOOTCAMP for the Inner World. In here you'll create a stable, nourishing everyday life, learn the fundamental basics of the structures and mechanisms of the Human Beingness and learn to explore the Inner World. E-School's Basic is easy to follow and its colorful design makes learning about the Inner and Outer World a fun and beautiful experience.


Ideal for everyone who has started her/his Journey of Self-Discovery (or Self-Remembering) and wants to 1. establish a nourishing, stable everyday life and 2. learn to explore their Inner World.



Study Program #2

E-School Advanced = Your GPS for the Inner World

Area of Focus: 1. Insights from the Inner World, 2. Journeying & Navigating the Inner World


E-School Advanced is Your GPS for the Inner World and is meant to be used like a map to help you understand where you currently are within the Inner World - hence your Inner Journey - and what topics are currently on, so that you're able to navigate better your Inner Journey but also keep your everyday life stable and sane. As an additional support, Insights from the Inner World was created - an online program created to support you on your Inner Journey by sharing once a month one specific Insight directly from the Inner World.


For those students who 1. have completed E-School Basic and 2. want to continue their Inner World Research and dive deep into it, 3. want to have access to an Inner World GPS 4. while getting monthly support directly directly from the Inner World.



Study Program #3

E-School Intensive = Your TRAVEL AGENCY to the Inner World

Area of Focus: Submerging into specific Inner Landscapes, Working & Releasing Tough Topics


E-School Intensive is Your TRAVEL AGENCY to the Inner World. In here you'll find developed and curated Inner Journeys with specific focus topics to help you release, recover and express very specific Inner Landscapes. Here is where the tough topics are tackled. Here is where THOSE specific shit-topics that have been bugging you for aeons are finally addressed and transformed by making them visible and tangible. A great place to be, but not the easiest.


Only for students who have completed E-School Basic and E-School Advanced.




E-school's study programs   

your bootcamp for the inner world

e-school advanced

your travel agency for the inner world

WHO teaches



Me, Veronica. I'm the founder and creator of E-School - The Journey to Your Inner Self and I'll be your guide, teacher and travel companion on your Journey here at E-School. 


If you choose to dive into the Inner World, you need a great guide. Someone who's actually traveled those lands. Someone who's still traveling those lands. Someone who is right besides you, takes care of the entire journey. Someone who makes you feel safe. Someone who lives what it teaches and teaches what it lives. Someone who knows Heaven and Earth. The Inner World is a sacred place - only those who truly want to find themselves and blossom beyond their Essence shall enter. The Outer World is a war zone - knowing how to navigate it, how to stand firm and keep our sanity will ensure that our Life Energies are not wasted and our Human Life does not become a disgrace.


And, that's who I am. I've been there. In those Inner Landscapes. I've charted and painted the area. Transcribed those Inner LandscapesAnd, I'm still chartering, painting and transcribing the Inner World. Every single Inner World Artwork I'm offering at E-School I've traveled, explored and researched. So know what I'm talking about, what I'm doing and offering. And now I' ready to take you with me, show you the mind-boggling beauty and clarity of the Inner World and support you with a safe, nourishing, loving and supportive environment.


I am straight forward. And clear. Well organized and structuredBlessed with a unique creativityAnd a unique view and understanding of the Inner WorldBut above all, I am also a full fledged human being fully living my own human life experience in this physical realm I call Outer World. I have my ups and my downs. I know sanity and insanity. I know light and I know darkness. I know flow and I know stagnation. I know peace and I know war. I know the sweet feeling of gentleness and I know the destructive feeling of wanting to kill someone. Yes. I am a full fledged human being. I eat. I sleep. And fart. And pee. And poo. And laugh. And cry. A lot. Or notI have belly rolls. And very hairy legs if I don't shave themI have curls that I am finally able to express.


I am full of Life. And sometimes not. What I say, is what I think. And what I think, is what I sayI am a full fledged Enneagram Type 8 with 7 Wing, the maverick is in my system. Truth is what I am thriving, longing, living for. Researching the Mysteries of the Universe and of my Being is my hunger. Inner Unleashment and Blossoming into the most truest expression of my Inner Essence is my goal. THIS is why I've come into this realmTHIS is why I've been created. And there is only that much time to get the work doneI've been on this plane already for four decades. At its best I've another four to five decades.  So there is only that much time to get the work done. So I am going to do my job right.


That's what you're getting if you embark on a Journey here at E-School. If what you've read till here doesn't suit you, well, then byeGo bake a cakeOr water your plantsOr punch your pillowOr cuddle with your catOr call your grannyOr clean your toiletOr whateverJust don't be(come) an assholeThat would be a waste of your Life EnergiesAnd pollute the air, the energy field and everything and everybody around you. Yak.


Aaah, but IF it suits you, welcome to my world. Sign up for my Explorer Letter, be my guest there, get to know me and my work, and someday when it feels right, you can then enroll in E-School. And then, you'll become an explorative Inner World Student by looking at the Inner World with its gorgeous Inner Landscapes and learning to navigate through those unique Inner Landscapes. And then, you'll become a courageous Outer World Being by establishing a good and nourishing foundation within you and your everyday life.


In the meantime,

may you be blessed,

whatever path you choose,







Soon! I'm currently in the process of finishing everything so that I can open the door to E-School's first study program Basic. I truly can't wait to actually open the doors. This has been suuuch a long journey - 15 years to be precise. In the meantime, get on my Waiting List here.


By the way, when I'm opening the doors, the doors will stay open. In my opinion, NOT making knowledge available for 24/7 is a crime against humanity and life itself - ESPECIALLY in these online and pandemic, world warish times we're living in. Therefore. As soon I'm opening, the doors at E-School will stay open. That disgusting manipulative way of making online courses & programs only at specific times of the year available, well THAT shit ain't happening here.


You have been given the gift of Free Will. So, if you want to enroll. You enroll. If you don't want to enroll. You don't enroll. If you want to enroll later. You enroll later. You don't need anyone to push you into actually taking action. You'll know when it's the right time to enroll. And then you'll take action.


Now. I am here. E-School is here. It's now up to you, if you're also going to be here.


In the meantime,

take care,






#1 The «Enroll Now»-Button

If you want to enroll, you click either here or on the «Enroll Now»-Button listed after each chapter or you scroll all the way down of this page and click there ↓ on the payment button. There you will be redirected to the payment interface where you safely can pay E-School's 12 months access fee of $22'222 (one payment) or $ 2'222 (per month) with your credit card or PayPal. 


Important: Please read E-School's Terms & Online School Agreement before you click on that «Enroll Now»-Button as by enrolling you're confirming having read and agreed to its Terms & Disclaimer and its Online School Agreement. Thank you.



#2 The «48h» Process Time

After you clicked on that  payment button, please allow 48h to process your registration. This is a one woman company and so I need time to process your registration. As I'm the one at the front but also behind the scenes. I'm also the one creating every single artwork, but also the one checking and managing my emails. I'm also the one writing every single word on this homepage, but also the one doing the book-keeping. I'm also the one writing E-School, but also the one who sees if your payment comes in. 


The reason why I'm a one woman company is that I need to think and feel for myself. And then I need to do what I feel is right to do. And then I need to create. And then I need to be 100% in charge of what came through me. Therefore I'm in charge of every single aspect I'm offering to you. That's why I'm a one woman company. So when clicking on that   payment button, it's me 🙋🏻‍♀️ a real person behind the scenes and not an automated system or machine that juggles everything. So thank you for allowing 48 hours to process your registration. 



#3 The «Yeah-you-enrolled»-Email

After your payment has been processed, you'll receive an email from meAn email with every single information that you'll need to actually get started with E-School. Like for example the link for the entry door to the student area. Like for example the password which will give you access to the password-protected area here on my homepage. Like for example a bunch of important information so that you can start well informed and tranquil your Journey at E-School.



#4 The «No Manipulation»-Strategy 

So. If you want to enroll nowYou enroll nowIf you don't want to enroll nowYou don't enroll nowIf you want to enroll laterYou enroll later. But that disgusting so called "marketing" strategy that uses manipulation to make online courses only at specific times of the year available, well THAT shit ain't happening hereYou have been given the gift of Free Will. So, if you want to enroll. You enroll. If you don't want to enroll. You don't enroll. If you want to enroll later. You enroll later. You don't need anyone to push you into actually taking action. You'll know when it's the right time to enroll. And then you'll take action.


I absolutely believe that NOT making knowledge available for 24/7 is manipulative and disgusting and a crime against humanity and life itselfESPECIALLY in these pandemic, world war shitty times with almost the entire world having access to InternetTherefore. The doors at E-School stay open. Just give me those 48 hours to process your enrollment - thank you. NowE-School is hereI am hereIt's up to you now, if you're also here 😘





E-school -
the Journey to
your inner self



    E-School Basic = Your BOOTCAMP for the Inner World


    incl. 21 Weeks «Inner Exploration» Online Training Course

    incl. 12x «Insights from the Inner World» Online Program


   incl. 12 Months «GPS for the Inner World» Online Program

    incl. 12 months Unlimited Online Access to the entire E-School


    incl. 14 Days Money Back Guarantee



Study Program #1

E-School Basic = Your BOOTCAMP for the Inner World

Areas of Focus: 1. The Fundamentals of Human Beingness, 2. Creating a Nourishing Life & 3. Learning to Explore the Inner World


Study Program #2

E-School Advanced = Your GPS for the Inner World



Area of Focus: 1. Insights from the Inner World, 2. Journeying & Navigating the Inner World


Study Program #3

E-School Intensive = Your TRAVEL AGENCY to the Inner World


Area of Focus: Submerging into specific Inner Landscapes, Working & Releasing Tough Topics



*as of Sunday, 22.10.2023




ListenYour time and money is preciousMy time and money is preciousSo let's use both wiselyTherefore. Before you enroll, sign up for Explorer Letter Check me out. Check the content out. Get to know me. And THEN you enroll. And after you enroll, you have my 14 day Money Back Guarantee Check E-School out. Do the work there. And if it really does not fit, submit your completed coursework within 14 days and I'll refund 100% of your course fee. No questions asked.





Before you enroll in E-School I highly recommend you to sign up for my Explorer Letter. Yes, E-School is listed outmost detailed on this page. Yes, I've an opulent homepage with a ton of content so that you really can FEEL who I am and what kind of work I do.


But signing up for my Explorer Letter and experiencing in real life my depth and insights regarding the Inner & Outer World, receiving valuable support for your Inner Journey, experiencing the beauty and wisdom of the Inner World with my Inner World Art, will ensure, that you for sure know, what you're getting when enrolling in E-School.




If after enrolling and working on E-School's first online course Inner Exploration, you feel "argh, nope, this ain't right for me" submit your completed coursework of the Inner Exploration online course first two «Preparation & Foundation»-Modules within 14 days and I'll refund 100% of your course fee.


I know, that if you do the work, you'll get one of a kind, amazing, nourishing benefits from E-School - The Journey to your Inner Self. But hey, if it isn't right for you, it isn't right for youAnd in that case your time and money aren't right here with me. So. Try E-School out and if it isn't for you, then nothing is lost. Just pay attention to the deadline. The refund eligibility has a firm deadline.



My job is to bring forth the information from the Inner World into this realm in a tangible way and make that information available to you. And that tangible way happens in a creative process by painting layers of colors (becoming Inner World Artwork) and transcribing those paintings in writing (becoming Poems) 🎨🧘🏻📝. This whole process is already wow 🌟💖😲.


But then another level of wow happens when the paintings are seen. Which is the second part of my job - making the information from the Inner World available to those who are looking for answers the Inner World can answer in a safe, nourishing, loving and supportive environment.


Along that journey, I very quickly came to experience that the paintings I'm extracting from the Inner World have their own life and speak to the viewer in their very unique way. Something happens between the viewer and the painting(s). And even more happens when they read the information the paintings store within themselves. I call it the 🥳🌟💖🚀😲-WOW! effect. And here is a glimpse  of what people experienced in that moment. You can read more here.



As much I love to write, paint, dive into the Inner World, make those one of a kind Inner Dimensions visible and transcribe the most awesome information for you and myself, I also need to put in writing the legal aspects of how you and I are going to work together in the possible near future, IF you decide to enroll in E-School - The Journey to Your Inner Self this, 
besides to all the informations shared here on this page


This aspect is important as it states and clarifies what actually happens legally if you and I decide to actually exchange goods - in this case, my Online School E-School - The Journey to Your Inner Self versus your money and time including the payment of $22'222. This clarification is important so that you and I not only FEEL but actually ARE safe.


I say it again: Your time and money is preciousMy time and money is preciousSo let's use both wiselySo before you enroll in E-School read its Terms & Disclaimer as well as my Online School Agreement, cause by pushing that  payment buttonyou're confirming that you have read and agree to my Terms & Disclaimers and Online School Agreement.





💜 You're a courageous, unique, intuitive woman who has dared to choose her Inner Truth over the Existential Ego Reality and embarked therefore on her unique Inner Journey to explore and rediscover who she really is in order to live her Human Life in alignment with her Inner Self.


💜 You long to see your Inner Landscapes, long to explore your Unknown Inner Areas, long to free those Inner Tabu Topics, long to blossom into who you really are and radiate your Essence freely. As a bonkers hungry student and explorative and sometimes maverick adventurer you also long for MORE - more information, more material, more knowledge, more clarity regarding the Inner World and the Mysteries of Life. There is MORE to all this thing called "physical human life" and you want it all.



❤️ You're a courageous, unique, intuitive man who has decided to break free from the dull Existential Ego Reality and embarked therefore on his unique Inner Journey to explore and live his feelings and emotions. You long for your Inner Self, to live your Human Life in alignment with your Inner Truth and to express your Essence freely.


❤️ You long to create a firm relationship with your Inner Guiding System and to feel finally safe and cared for. You're unique - you know it - yet a dull, mass-oriented, lifeless human existence is were you're coming from. As a neglected emotional being, you long for a nurturing and supportive environment so that you feel safe while you're on your adventurous exploration of your Inner World.




💛 You want to do the Inner Work from the comfort of your own home, being able to look into the material 24/7 whenever, wherever you want. You're an eager students and you very much dislike a rigid model where you need someone else for your Inner Work, where you've to decide in advance when and where the Inner Work moment should happen.


💛 You love colors & art, you have a natural approach to creativity & beauty. You are an aesthete and you have a natural longing for self-care. You are intelligent, independent and hungry to learn and explore. You're a warm, gentle soul who seek and longs to dive deeper into Life and its Mysteries.




💖 E-School consists as of June 2022 of three online courses & programs - «Inner Exploration» Online Training Course, «Insights from the Inner World» Online Program, «GPS for the Inner World» Online Program - all designed to support you on your unique Inner Journey by helping you to explore and travel the Inner World with its unique Inner Landscapes and its Inner Structures and Mechanisms so that you can reconnect with your Inner Self.



💖 E-School's 12 months access fee is $22'222 and you safely can pay it with your credit card or PayPal giving you unlimited access to the entire online school material for your enrollment year. E-School comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee, offering you a 14 days money back guarantee.


enroll now 

E-School - The Journey to your Inner Self

•   INCL. 21 wEEKS «Inner Exploration» ONLINE TRAINING COURSE

•   INCL. 14 days money back guarantee





ENROLLMENT | E-School - The Journey to your Inner Self



«EXtraordinarily beautiful.

deep impact. incomparable insights.
transformational. WORLDWIDE UNIQUE.

gorgeous artworks. Key life topics.
easy to follow set up.
cutting edge.»

  🌟 Join my Explorer Letter 🌟

and be the first to get the latest

from my Inner World Research


 All content created with  by Veronica Trombini |  ©  2015 - 2025 veronicatrombini.com