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Not being able to live our Truth, is a disgrace. Not being able to shine our Core and fully express our Essence, is a disgrace. Not being able to grow and expand beyond the Known, is a disgrace. Not being able to fully use our Life Energies, is a disgrace and, a crime against humanity. We're already on Earth for only a short period of time, so every single moment here should be even more of outmost presence, expression and quality. 


This world has become almost without any exceptions a meager ego-fear based existence with institutionalized dullness, vanity, arrogance, envy & greed - avoiding, neglecting and therefore undermining the fundamental right of living our Inner Self. Instead of being a nourishing, courageous world that offers support, curiosity and over and over realignment with our Inner Truth. Yet, there is no escape from the Fundamental Truth that we all have an Inner Self, that Spark of Life that has breathed Life into our bodies and given us this actual Human Life Experience. What WE do with that fact though, is what shapes this world. And looking at the state of this world, we all can do better.


And so, those who actually dare to embark despite this rather hostile earthy environment on their Inner Journey in the pursuit of their Inner Self, to truly FEEL and be TRUE to themselves are the ones who'll elevate this world. And so, those who defy the overall meager ego-fear based existence that societies sale us as the "real" reality to keep us small, ignorant, exhausted and barely alive and dare to create their own reality are the ones who'll elevate this world. And so, those who dare to go beyond just existing, who want to expand and truly LIVE and establish a nourishing, resilient, truthful Human Life Experience, are the ones who'll elevate this world. And so, it's those who reconnect with their Inner Self, dare to live accordingly to their Inner Truth and become by that the blessing they were created to be, are the ones who'll elevate this world.


And so, those wonderful, unique and courageous souls, those precious gems, those one of a kind, so rare to find beings and their unique Journey to their Inner Self need to be protected, supported and loved. The pursuit of Inner Truth and realignment with it, needs a safe, nourishing, loving and supportive environment. That's why E-School - The Journey to Your Inner Self was created. And that's what E-School offers. That's what E-School is.



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the journey to

your inner self

 🌕 with the purpose to recover

the inner self  and to create a nourishing life 🌺

YOU are on your personal, unique self-discovery journey and you long to recover the sweetness, the joy, that spark of Life. You long to reconnect with what for aeons has been and always will be. You long to fully blossom into who you truly are. You long for the Source within you. You long for Your Soul. You long for your Inner Self.


YOU love-love to learn and you're constantly searching and researching cutting edge material that helps you understand yourself, this world and what lies beyond. You love digging into the different layers of existence. You love books, the Internet and libraries as sources of knowledge, yet, you wished everything would be offered in a more fun-fun, more colorful, more beautiful way.


YOU are an aesthete, love art and colors. You understand that everything is energy and you're naturally intuitive. As an eager and hungry student you perceive the traditional rigid and cold ways of teaching as prehistoric. You know: There is another way! Learning/teaching should be fun, warm, beautiful and respect you as the unique human being and eager student you are.


E-SCHOOL is an ongoing and continuously growing online school consisting of three area of focus - Inner Exploration, Inner Landscapes & Inner Journeys - created to help you explore, research and travel the Inner World with its unique Inner Landscapes and its Inner Structures & Mechanism. E-School's purpose is to help you recover your Inner Self - and establish a nourishing, stable relationship with it.


E-SCHOOL has an worldwide absolutely incomparable unique library with one of a kind painted Inner World original artwork - Inner Landscapes made visible with paint and colors, including their mind-boggling insights regarding the Inner Structures & Mechanisms, giving you a one of a kind, beautiful and loving roadmap to your Inner Self.


E-SCHOOL is beautifully designed, has an easy to follow set up and within the vast abundance of Inner World artwork your Soul will finally be seen. E-School's one of a kind self-selective and non-intrusive approach to explore, research and travel the Inner World is furthermore cutting edge and an absolute joy to learn and work with.


 Areas of focus 


«EXtraordinarily beautiful.
deep impact. incomparable insights.
transformational. WORLDWIDE UNIQUE.

gorgeous artworks. Key life topics.
easy to follow set up.
cutting edge.»


 get on the waiting list 


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 All content created with  by Veronica Trombini |  ©  2015 - 2025